The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 12 (light novel)

The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 12 (light novel)
Par:Satoshi Wagahara
Publié le 2018-12-11 par Yen On

Thanks to the unflappable efforts of Maou and friends, Emi has made it back from the world of Ente Isla in one piece, though at the cost of her job at the call center thanks to all those pesky, unexcused absences. Adding insult to injury, Maou confronts Emi with a bill for |expenses incurred| during her rescue: 350,000 yen! Emi is shocked, but her pride as the Hero means she can't bear to be indebted to a demon. Soon she's dipping into her saving to and searching for a new job to pay off the balance owed. At the same time, Urushihara, sequestered in a hospital by Maou's landlady, Miki-T, is experiencing frightening bodily changes... And all this while Maou refuses to go to work?!

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ID de livre de The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 12 (light novel)'s Les livres sont mKR-tQEACAAJ, Livre écrit parSatoshi Wagaharaavec ETAG "7izYfmI1i2I"

Livre publié par Yen On depuis 2018-12-11 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780316474252 et ISBN 10 Code est 0316474258

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The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 12 (light novel)

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